Collect At Colours Wargaming Show 2024

Colours Wargaming Show 2024

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be at the Colours Wargaming Show on September 14th at Newbury Racecourse! It's going to be an amazing day filled with epic games, fantastic traders, and loads of fun.

Pre-orders Now Open.

We're taking pre-orders for collection at the show. This is your chance to grab the latest and greatest of our wares without worrying about shipping delays or your items being unavailable on the day. Simply place your order online, select "I will collect at Colours 2024!" at checkout, and we'll have everything ready for you to pick up at our stand.

Alternatively, if you wish to pay at the show, get in touch either by phone or email and we'll make that happen.

Telephone: +44 01386 761 511


We highly suggest if your order is large to get it in ASAP so we don't run out of time to make sure it's all stocked and ready to bring. 

The stock we bring to shows is very limited as our ranges are huge and we can't possibly bring it all, so even if it's just one single item you're after, do a pre-order and we guarantee no disappointment on the day!

A bit more about the show:

Entry is bargain £5 cash

Games Cafe

FREE Games Cafe. Bring the kids, or the big kids, and come and play one of these family style games:

Carcassonne                       (6+)
Deep Sea Adventure       (8+)
Settlers of Catan               (12+)
Splendor                              (10+)
Ticket to Ride                     (6+)

Other games will be added.

2023 Demos & Participation​

Demonstration Games:

Blood Red Roses
The new rules for fighting battles in the Wars of the Roses from the Society of Ancients.  Join the author, Adrian Nayler, to see the game and learn the rules.

Cannae 216BC

Hannibal’s famous victory in 15mm using Legion II rules, brought to you by the rules author, Philip Sabin, and the Society of Ancients.

Salamanca 1812

A Black Powder rules recreation of Wellington’s famous Peninsular War battle brought to you by the Leggetts.

Japanese-Korean War In the 16th Century

28mm wargame using Warlord rules, organised and hosted by Trevor Halsall.

Russo-Finnish Winter War 1940

28mm scale battle organised by Shepway Wargames group.

BBB Napoleonic

Chris Pringle and the Oxford Wargames team are organising a scenario using his Bloody Big Battles (BBB) rules.  He has not settled on a particular battle yet, but you can expect it to be one of the bigger ones.

02 Hundred Hours Night Raid

Operation Gaff July 1944. Organised by Stuart Greening and hosted by Boscombe Down and Amesbury Wargames Club.

Battle of Downham Station 1871

15mm scale wargame brought to you by Table Top Battles.

Ilipa 206 BC

Scipio’s victory over the Carthaginians in Spain using De Bellis Magistrorum Militum (DBMM) rules in epic 28mm scale brought to you by Wargames Association of Reading.

Anglo-Ottoman War 1809

A 15mm Napoleonic Wars scenario brought to you by Steve Deeprose.

Abbeville 1940

This was (almost) General de Gaulle’s big moment as he sent his armoured division to attack a second-line Bavarian infantry division at Abbeville.  Between 27 May – 7 June the French high command ordered four division-size attacks on the position.  This game features the one led by De Gaulle’s 4th DCR, the strongest division in the French Army.

PBI World War 2 New Edition

Two games showcasing the 2024 edition of PBI brought to you by Peter Pig and led by the rules creator.  The first game will be a full demonstration game using Monte Cassino as a backdrop.  The second game will focus on explaining the PBI rules mechanisms.


Participation Games:

Fallschirmjäger vs US Paras

A new Demonstration Game with description “On June 7th 1944 1st Battalion’s, Hauptmann (Captain) Emil Preikschat was ordered to form a blocking line south of Saint-Marie-du-Mont. He took up position around the village of Vierville as part of this blocking line.  With American armour pushing inland from the beaches, A company 746th Armoured Regiment was ordered to support elements of 2nd Battalion / 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment under the command of Lt Colonel Robert L. Strayer. Strayer had orders to take the village.  Brought to you by Wargaming Headquarters using Rapid Fire Reloaded rules.”

A Small Town in Italy

A new Participation game with description “Anschluss Games invites you to join the game and learn the rules.”

Break Through The Trenches

A new Participation game with description “Gripping Beast invites you to join this World War 1 game and learn the rules.”

Packing Heat

A new Participation game with description “A squad on squad battle using Sharp practice rules.”

WW1 Aerial Combat

What would Colours be without Dave Fowler and the Wings of Glory Aerodrome?  Smoke me a kipper – I’ll be back for breakfast!

The Siege of Luneden

And now for something slightly different.  Three separate Burrows and Badgers participation games all played on one large table representing part of the city of Luneden which is under siege from malevolent outside forces. Play as a group of assassins, bodyguards, sewer jacks, pirates street gangs or a simple guard unit.  Organised by the Magrathea Builder Of Worlds wargames group.

The Saxon Shore is Burning Britannia Campaign

The Society of Ancients invites you to join in a mini-campaign of barbarians attacking Roman Britain.  Battles will be resolved using Mortem et Gloriam Pacto rules.

A Field in Flanders 1672

Join Simon Miller to fight a battle from the Franco-Dutch Wars using To The Strongest rules.

Most Dangerous Game

Join Crawley Wargames on safari in Africa for some big game hunting.  Enjoy being stung by hornets, grappled by gorillas, etc.

Korean vs Japanese

Liverpool Wargames Club invites you to participate in this 15mm scale battle using Field of Glory rules.

General d'Armée Napoleonic

The new rules for fighting Napoleonic Wars battles.  Join the author, Dave Brown, to participate in the game and learn the rules.

Operation Sealion

Southbourne Tabletop and Boardgamers group invites you to participate in this 15mm scale Flames of War scenario from the World War 2 invasion of Britain.


Hordes of the Things Competition:

Hordes of the Things (HOTT) is a fantasy spin-off from the popular De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) ancient period wargames rules, but including such elements as dragons, magic users and demi-gods.  With each round in the competition taking roughly 1 hour to complete, the whole competition will be brought to a satisfactory conclusion within a single day.  


All information on games is correct with what we know at the time of publication.  For any corrections or updates, please contact the Colours Show organisers.